Constructor and Lifecycle Methods
Pool Size Terms
Size | Description |
Core Size | Core number of threads that are initialized and can remain in the threadpool even when idle |
Current Size | Current number of threads, starts as core size, more are added depending on the type of threadpool |
Max Size Size | Absolute maximum can handle concurrently |
Policy | Description |
AbortPolicy | throws exception |
DiscardPolicy | throws away task silently |
DiscardOldestPolicy | submits new task and discards oldest task |
CallerRunPolicy | caller thread runs the task |
Note: The behavior of these policies applies when the maximum pool size or work queue capacity has been reached.
Lifecycle Methods
* Initiates shutdown
* All tasks that are submitted thereafter are rejected
* Will complete tasks in BlockingQueue before shutting down
* Checks if ThreadPool has already shutdown
* Returns true if shutdown and all tasks completed
* Blocks until all tasks are completed or if timeout occurs
service.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
* Initiates shutdown and returns all queued tasks
List<Runnable> runnables = service.shutdownNow()