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Constructor and Lifecycle Methods

Pool Size Terms

Core SizeCore number of threads that are initialized and can remain in the threadpool even when idle
Current SizeCurrent number of threads, starts as core size, more are added depending on the type of threadpool
Max Size SizeAbsolute maximum can handle concurrently


AbortPolicythrows exception
DiscardPolicythrows away task silently
DiscardOldestPolicysubmits new task and discards oldest task
CallerRunPolicycaller thread runs the task

Note: The behavior of these policies applies when the maximum pool size or work queue capacity has been reached.

Lifecycle Methods

* Initiates shutdown
* All tasks that are submitted thereafter are rejected
* Will complete tasks in BlockingQueue before shutting down

* Checks if ThreadPool has already shutdown

* Returns true if shutdown and all tasks completed

* Blocks until all tasks are completed or if timeout occurs
service.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

* Initiates shutdown and returns all queued tasks
List<Runnable> runnables = service.shutdownNow()